
Showing posts from April, 2024

This One Irked Me

Recently on LinkedIn I saw a mini article called " What’s behind the latest downtrend in workforce confidence? " It wasn't very interesting (or really long enough to be considered an article) nor did it shed any real light. But of course, I just skimmed through it so I could get to the beloved comments. You know I LOVE the comments. But here's the one that irked me: One woman (who works for a recruitment agency, if I got it right) offered her advice on the dour job market. And while she didn't claim to have any secret recipes, she said "I can reccommend [sic] a few things based on my experinece [sic]".  I won't get into them all, it was her #1 that had me agitated and pondering into the wee hours of the night*: "Operate with kindness and integrity and when you act on public platforms be aware that what you are saying is highly visable [sic]"  The age of social media and having an online presence has opened up a Pandora's box for many of

Let's Go For a Ride (or how I wasted one morning in March)

Good morning!! Have you ever heard the parable of Rock Soup? It's a good one. I won't get into the entire story here, you certainly know how to read. But the gist of it is a homeless bum weasels his way into some hardworking hostess' kitchen. ( it was a more trusting time when roustabouts could be welcomed into homes. These days we have Ring and a healthy fear of everything ) At this point, the derelict claims he can make a delicious "rock soup" with just water and a rock. BUT he keeps asking the woman for more ingredients from her kitchen, adding good stuff like carrots and beef to his crappy stone broth. Where am I going with this? And is it lunch time yet? Oh yes, back to my ramblings: The word "videographer" is getting a whole lot of misuse lately in job postings and interviews. Last time I checked, a videographer was someone who simply shot video with perhaps the addition of lights and some audio. And because I'm feeling generous, I will throw &

Soul-Crushing...Have You Ever Been This Low?

A couple things before we get into the actual post. What happened to me on April 16th might be the genesis for this latest blog that you are reading. So if you enjoy my writing style, you can thank the dipshit I recently had the displeasure of speaking with. More on that in a sec. I liken video editing and motion graphics to playing a musical instrument. Or more specifically trying to be a rock star. It's a heavily-saturated market and only the truly best of the best will rise to the top. You have to have the chops and you have to stay relevant. The showreel don't lie. Just as you're not going to get into The Show without the ability to hit grand slams or pitch no-hitters, you'll be regulated to the bush league with your bottom-tier work. So you gotta have a dynamic sizzle reel to wow the potential client or hiring manager. And it truly is an industry of egos and assholes. Simply awful people. Retirement can't come soon enough! I don't claim to be amazing in the

Ugh, Simply Awful

Well the title pretty much says it all. That's how I currently feel as a 52 year old man trying to find work in the arena of video production, motion graphics and editing. Having recently been "let go" back in September of 2023 from a very lucrative job in Stamford, Connecticut (that will definitely be a post for another day) I packed my bags and moved from the Nutmeg State to the Sunshine State.  January, 2024: New year, new life. Now all I have to do is just find a job. Easy, right? I also want to mention I live in an area known as the Treasure Coast. This is NOT a big city with job opportunities in multimedia. It is right near da' beach and more catered to hospitality jobs. (Oh, if you work in senior care I would bet you could CLEAN UP down here) I own my decision to move out of the metropolitan area. At my current age, I am sacrificing job opportunities for sun, surfing, fishing and what have you.  As you'll come to see with my entries, I absolutely HATED Conn